10 questions for our partner Lucia Baranová
What does our partner Lucia Baranová like the most about her job? How does she like to relax and what what would she be if she had not become a lawyer She answered these and other questions in the social section of the law newspaper epravo.sk.
1. What do you like the most about your job?
Communication with passionate people those have an interest in working together to improve things.
2. How often does something in your field surprise you?
Lately I have been relatively often surprised both by the explanation of certain actions and the reaction of the people.
3. Who or what was the most influential for your professional life?
Two men. The first one is my father. From early childhood I understood that to build a successful company, hard and systematic work is required, thanks to him. On the other hand, I was professionally moved the most by the managing partner of RELEVANS – Alexander Kadela. Already as a junior lawyer I had the opportunity to work with him on cases and learned how to work with important details, dig deep to solve an issue but also not loose sight of the context and the complex picture of the thing.
4. How do you imagine the perfect trip?
My favourite are holidays which mash relaxation with discovery and simultaneously allow me to enjoy good food. That’s why I love Tuscany and Andalusia. I have my favourite spots, to which I always like to return.
5. Which subject inspired you the most in school?
At school I enjoyed criminal law the most. Paradoxically I didn’t focus on it in the field.
6. In what ways are students nowadays different from the previous generations?
Today’s students have essentially unlimited options for education and personal growth, but I feel like many are lacking inner motivation and endurance. They expect to achieve a great success and a career easily and quickly.
7. What kind of relaxation is ideal for you?
Long walks in nature.
8. What would you be if had not become a lawyer?
In the past I thought about studying psychology.
9. What kind of people anger you the most?
I dislike people that are hypocritical and two-faced. On the other hand, I greatly appreciate the honest and straightforward ones.
10. Can you remember some serious workplace conflict, from which a lesson can be learned?
I try to stave off conflicts. The issues obviously appear, but I like to resolve them through communication before they can grow to a great prominence.