If you require more information please contact us
- office@relevans.sk
- +421 2 323 54 602
Environmental law
RELEVANS is a reliable partner in the field of environmental law, where various issues increasingly impact both the business world and the daily lives of our clients.
Our law firm focuses on providing comprehensive legal advice and representation of clients in various areas, including but not limited to:
Waste and Packaging Management
We assist our clients with issues related to waste and packaging management.
We ensure compliance with legislation, prepare documentation for emissions trading and assist in the negotiation of contracts to fulfil obligations stipulated in waste law.
Protection of Air, Soil, and Other Environmental Components
We provide legal advice on issues related to the protection of air, soil, and other vital environmental components. We resolve legal matters concerning environmental burdens, emissions, and compliance with environmental standards.
Obtaining Licenses and Permits
We help clients obtain the necessary licenses and permits for activities with environmental impacts. We prepare legal analyses and studies to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.
Environmental Impact Assessment Proceedings (EIA/SEA)
We represent clients in environmental impact assessment proceedings (EIA/SEA).
Representation and protection of clients’ rights in connection with Slovak environmental Inspectorate (SIŽP) activities
We represent clients during inspections by competent authorities and in related sanction proceedings, including litigation before administrative courts.
Environmental Auditing and Consultation
We provide legal environmental audits, analyse environmental risks and liability relationships, and assist clients in initiatives to create or amend environmental legislation. We also mediate with technical experts in the field.