RELEVANS ranks second in the 2019 ranking of “The Largest Law firms” in Slovakia


Also, this year our law firm defended excellent 2nd place in the ranking of the largest law firms in Slovakia organized by The Slovak Spectator.

The Slovak Spectator is a Slovak newspaper published in English reporting on, inter alia, politics, business, and culture.

The results of The Slovak Spectator assessment are announced always in November of the year following the reference year for which are processed and assessed.

The competition assesses almost all law firms in Slovakia, not only national but also international ones.

The objective criteria assessed by the Slovak Spectator on each law firm’s market status are as follows:

(i) revenues;

(ii) net profit per partner;

(iii) the number of attorneys;

(iv) the number of law graduates.

Every criterion has some weight and its evaluation results in the determination of the largest law firm.

Primarily, we would like to show our gratitude to our clients for allowing us to constantly look ahead.

Besides our clients, we would like to acknowledge every staff member in the firm for their efforts, results, enthusiasm in overcoming problems and their constant effort to improve things.