After 9 years since its establishment, RELEVANS being the second largest law firm in Slovakia (source: The Slovak Spectator) increases the number of its partners.

With effect from 1 February 2019, Tomáš Bardelčík acquires a 10 % business interest and joins the two current shareholders and founding partners of the firm Alexander Kadela and Marián Masarik.

Alexander Kadela, managing partner of RELEVANS:

“Tomas acquires a share in RELEVANS for his outstanding personal contribution, assistance in the development of the law firm and for the results achieved. I believe that the decision regarding Tomáš will also motivate the other RELEVANS attorneys to do their best. RELEVANS needs to have the best ones. We send out a clear signal to the most talented and hard-working ones that bringing together their future career with RELEVANS makes sense. We work as a team. The strengthening of Tomáš’s position within the RELEVANS structure will also help him to achieve in the future only the best results.”

Tomáš Bardelčík:

“When I joined the RELEVANS team in 2011, I believed that once I might become a shareholder of RELEVANS. It was a rather vague and distant vision at that time, but I did not see it as impossible. Now the vision is coming true. It is coming true due to a team of people who are involved in the RELEVANS litigation team – without their support and help, my participation in RELEVANS could not happen, for which I thank them with all my heart. At the same time, also I would like to thank the founding partners of RELEVANS Alexander Kadela and Marian Masarik for the opportunity to work with them and develop the firm together. I believe that I will not disappoint their trust and that in the future my participation in RELEVANS will turn out to be a benefit. ”

Tomáš Bardelčík has been working in the firm since its establishment, and became a partner in the autumn of 2017.

In RELEVANS, Tomáš specializes in litigation, the division of which he heads both strategically and executively and drives the most complicated lawsuits that have ever been resolved in Slovakia.


Good luck, Tomáš! The whole RELEVANS team keeps their fingers crossed for you!